
Do you have:

  • Crooked, overlapped or malaligned teeth?
  • Gaps between teeth?
  • Upper teeth excessively protruding out?
  • The lower front teeth bite into the inner tissue of the upper teeth?
  • Upper teeth are placed behind lower teeth?
  • Thumb/finger sucking or Mouth breathing habit( specially in children)?

If the answer is yes to any of the above questions, you are in need of orthodontic treatment..

                 As a cosmetic dentistry procedure, a major advantage of braces over other cosmetic treatments is that it is the least invasive way of improving your smile. Corrections are achieved by moving your own teeth.

What does the braces treatment involve?
                Braces are used to move teeth slowly and shift into proper position by applying controlled pressure. Bands, wires and elastics are placed on the teeth to move them in the right direction. Shifting teeth back into a functional position can take months to years, but eventually you’ll have a new and improved smile! Retainers are often used after the braces, to hold the teeth in their new position until they are stable. It is important to wear the braces or an appliance for however long it takes. If you quit at any point during treatment, the teeth can shift back into their old position.

Is age a factor to be considered?
                Age is no longer a factor that governs the feasibility of the orthodontic treatment. But as you grow older the bones becomes harder so the duration of the treatment is increased compared to younger age.

How long does the treatment take?
                A major disadvantage of braces over other cosmetic dentistry procedures is the length of time required to get the desired results. Treatment duration varies from patient to patient and is largely dependent on:

  • Patient’s age
  • Extent of abnormality
  • Type of abnormality (Dental or bony)
  • Patient compliance

                So if you want better looking teeth but at the same time, don’t want people to know that you have braces, you can opt for invisible braces or lingual braces.Invisible braces are basically of the same color as the tooth, so that when placed on the tooth they are virtually invisible.

                Lingual braces are the ultimate in brace concealing technology. They are placed on the back surfaces of your teeth so nobody will even see that you have them on, unless they get a close and personal look at the inside of your mouth.

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